
ようやく手元の simple-hatena-mode で simple-hatena-setup が動くようになった。
明朝 id:antipop に御査収戴いて、赤ペン訂正の上 commit 戴…… coderepos なんだから commit しちゃって直してもらえばいいのか。
一応こんなの。hatena group についてはまた今度。

--- simple-hatena-mode.el	(revision 1538)
+++ simple-hatena-mode.el	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+;;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode: emacs-lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
 ;;; simple-hatena-mode.el --- Emacs interface to Hatena::Diary Writer
-;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode:emacs-lisp -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2007 Kentaro Kuribayashi
 ;; Author: Kentaro Kuribayashi <>
@@ -266,8 +266,71 @@
 ;;;; * コマンド
 (defun simple-hatena-setup ()
-  "ディレクトリ配置をセットアップする。")
+  (interactive)
+  "ディレクトリ配置をセットアップする。"
+  (and
+   ;; simple-hatena-bin
+   (simple-hatena-setup-hatena-bin-executable-p)
+   ;; hatena id(s)
+   (simple-hatena-setup-id)))
+(defun simple-hatena-setup-hatena-bin-executable-p ()
+  (if (file-executable-p simple-hatena-bin)
+      t
+    (progn
+      (when (y-or-n-p
+             (format
+              (concat
+               "Please download and/or setup `はてなダイアリーライター'.\n"
+               "  open a webpage? ")
+              simple-hatena-bin))
+        (browse-url ""))
+      (message "Without forgetting the rerun of the simple-hatena-setup.")
+      (read-char) ;; wait user input.
+      nil)))
+(defun simple-hatena-setup-id ()
+  (let
+      ((ids (list)))
+    (when (file-directory-p simple-hatena-root)
+      (dolist (id (simple-hatena-internal-list-directories simple-hatena-root))
+        (add-to-list 'ids id)))
+    (when simple-hatena-default-id
+      (add-to-list 'ids simple-hatena-default-id))
+    (when (eq (length ids) 0)
+      (add-to-list 'ids (read-string "Please input your default Hatena id: ")))
+    (while (y-or-n-p
+            (format
+             "id `%s' found.\nsetup other id(s)? "
+             (mapconcat 'identity
+                        ids "', `")))
+      (add-to-list 'ids (read-string "Please input your other Hatena id: ")))
+    (dolist (id ids)
+      (simple-hatena-setup-id-create-directory-and-file id))))
+(defun simple-hatena-setup-id-create-directory-and-file (id)
+  (simple-hatena-setup-create-directory-and-file
+   (expand-file-name
+    (format "%s/%s/diary/config.txt"
+            simple-hatena-root id))))
+(defun simple-hatena-setup-create-directory-and-file (filename)
+  "setup adirectory and a file.
+NOTE: Create intermediate directories as required."
+  (let
+      ((dirname (file-name-directory filename)))
+    (unless (file-exists-p filename)
+      (unless (file-directory-p dirname)
+        (make-directory dirname 'parents))
+      (append-to-file 1 1 filename))))
 (defun simple-hatena (id)